Channel: Teaira Walker
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: makeuptiera walkerchit chat grwmtearia walkersoft makeuphow to glow upmakeup guruhow to boss upmakeup tutorialhow to stop comparing yourself to othersteaira walker browshow to level up fasteveryday makeup routinechit chat grwm 2020black makeup gurueveryday makeupteaira walkerpep talk for girlshow to stop comparing yourselfwalker'teairagrwmtierra walkerhow to be confidentget ready with mechit chat get ready with me
Description: Thank You for tuning into this chit chat grwm talking about how to boss up, gain confidence and stop comparing yourself. GIVEAWAY WINNERS: Tasheila Reliford and Jada Walton GIVEAWAY RULES: 2 Winners! (box full of luxury and beauty products) 1. Like This Video 2. Be Subscribed 3. Comment one thing you love about yourself (and or favorite feature) (MUST tag your ig handle) AND THATS IT Winner will be announced in Next video (must have ig to enter) Like and Comment for more videos Subscribe!! thumbs up for more videos ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponytail Tutorial: Skincare routine: Full in depth makeup tutorial: social media: ig: teairawalker email: